my playlist

Minggu, 04 September 2011


there's so many words i need to tell you.
but more than that, there's no other word beside
i love you, yesterday, today, and even tomorrow.
i love you for everything you are.
i'm sorry. i'm so sorry a lot that i couldn't tell you about what i feel. because i have no brave.
and for many thousand times, i felt doubt to deliver it to you.
if i tell this feeling upfront you, are you going to hate me so..
and i'm so sorry, if i just could smile at you, eventhough you were so kind to me that time.

hmm.. yaa ada lebih dari itu yang pengen gw sampein. tapi gw gak akan sampein semuanya di blog ini
semuanya udah tertulis kok.
ada satu atau dua lagu mungkin yang menurut gw udah nyampein semua perasaan gw.
lagu ini jadi backsound nya, korean drama yang judulnya "secret garden"
bahkan film nya aja udah bener-bener mewakilin semua yang gw rasain
judul lagunya, kalo gak salah "that Woman". akhirnya gw dapet videonya, yang buat mungkin fans nya.
tapi kalo diliat lagi liriknya. yaaa itu lahh yang bisa gambarin perasaan gw.
i know, i just could be your shadow, and follow you wherever you go.
but if i keep doing this, will you love me too..
or if you want to go away from me, will you hug me for the last
if i love you like this, will you love me back..
dan juga lagu ini menggambarkan seberapa dalemnya perasaan seorang wanita, mencintain orang yang dia cintain satu-satunya.

kira-kira liriknya klo udah ditranslate hmm, dalem banget. gw dapet ini dari salah satu blog fans nya. gw lupa apa web nya, tapi lumayan susah juga nyarinya, tapi gw seneng udah dapet translatenya
One woman loves you 
 That woman loves you wholeheartedly
  She follows you around like a shadow everyday 
 That woman is laughing and crying  
Just how much…how much more do I have to gaze at you alone 
This love that came like the wind 
 This beggar-like love  If I continue this way, will you love me? 
 Just come a little nearer…a little more
 If I take one step closer to you, then you take two steps back
 I who love you am next to you now  That woman is crying.

That woman is timid

  So she learned how to laugh 
 That woman has many stories that she can't even tell her best friend
 So her heart is full of tears 
 That's why, That woman  You,
 she loved you  Because you are just same as her
 Yet another fool, yet another fool  Can't you hug me before you go?  I want to receive love, baby  Everyday in my heart,  Just in my heart,  I shout and  That woman is next to him even today.

Do you know That woman is me? You're not pretending that you don't know, right?  You really don't know cause you're a fool.

Just how much... how much more do I have to gaze at you alone  

This love that’s like a fool  This beggar-like love 
 If I continue this way, will you love me?  
Just come a little nearer...a little more...
 If I take one step closer to you, then you take two steps back
  I who love you is next to you now 
 That woman is crying.
well, seandainya diapun nyanyiin lagu yang sama...

i guess, i'm gonna be the happiest girl in whole life world. because i will feel, that i am being loved too.

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